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並列篇名 | Teachers' Perceptions of the Implementation of the Bullying Prevention Policies in Taiwan |
作者 | Ada L. Sinacore、趙淑珠、何忻蓓、Shaofan Bu |
中文摘要 | 台灣於2012年實施《校園霸凌防治準則》,成為東亞地區第一個有法源依據防治校園霸凌之國家。身為校園霸凌防治之第一線人員之一,教職員對法條之理解及對校方落實政策之觀察,對校園霸凌防治有著舉足輕重之影響。有鑑於此,本研究探討台灣國高中教職師對校園霸凌防治法條之認知、個人落實法條之經驗,及對校方依法推行霸凌防治工作及處置霸凌事件的觀察,試圖理解教職員觀點下校園霸凌防治準則實施現況及困境。本研究採取混合研究法,結合問卷調查法及配深度訪談,共計訪談15名來自三所國高中之教師,回收116份六所國高中教師填寫之有效問卷。研究結果指出,學校普遍未提供教師充分資源,如反霸凌教育訓練補充教材,加上父權社會根深蒂固之異性戀中心主義,造成學校校園氣氛持續忽略性別歧視、獨重升學率與學生學科表現,而變相忽視實施霸凌防治準則。本研究除強調輔導教師扮演推動霸凌防治準則的重要角色,亦指出校長重視霸凌防治之態度,實為霸凌事件確實依法通報處理之關鍵。作者同時針對未來研究方向以及教育現場工作提出建議。 |
英文摘要 | Taiwan enforced the Regulations on the Prevention of Bullying on Campus policy in 2012 and was the first East Asian country to enforce a national policy that addresses bullying in schools. Employing a mixed-method design, this study investigated teacher's and administrative staff's perceptions and experiences of anti-bullying policy implementation. A total of 116 teachers and administrative staff participated in the survey and 15 teachers and administrative staff participated in interviews. The results indicated that a lack of anti-bullying education for teachers coupled with endemic heterosexism perpetuated school climates that prioritized improving students' academic performance over implementing anti-bullying policies. The important role of teachers in policy implementation as well as school principal's commitment to addressing school bullying were highlighted as key in reducing bullying behaviors. Finally, the report discusses recommendations and direction for future research. |
起訖頁 | 63-91 |
關鍵詞 | 校園氣氛、校園霸凌防治準則、輔導教師、霸凌防治、Anti-bullying policy、bullying prevention、guidance teachers、school climate |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 202209 (65期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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