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並列篇名 | What Drug Offenders Learn in the Savoring Group Program |
作者 | 鄭曉楓、陳秀卿 |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的係以品味團體課程理解毒品受刑人在品味概念、掌控感知及品味策略運用之學習,希冀增進 其多元正向情感與生活掌控力。研究參與者為某監所之男性毒品受刑人共12位,平均年齡為39歲,平均 進監停留時間為17個月,皆為累犯且具長期用藥年資。品味團體課程分為品味概念與經驗、四因素掌控 感知模式,以及品味策略等三大核心,共進行8次,每次約90分鐘,每週兩次。在資料蒐集方面,研究 參與者於課程中期和結束兩個時間點,被隨機分派為2組,每組6人,分別進行約100分鐘的焦點團體訪 談(中期訪談2場、結束訪談2場),共四場。採質性研究「現象學分析方法」進行資料分析。研究結果 如下,首先為負向事件與情緒之轉化:參與者挪移自身開展內在自我對話;並再現當下即真的時刻,以 分辨不同時空的經驗。第二為品味的形塑和延續:品味能擴展快樂基模的正向循環;品味經驗從個人到 他者,再到人我共構的向外遷移。第三,主要運用的品味策略:有「與他人分享」、「當下專注」, 「自我激賞」以及「細數好事」四項。研究結論,四因素掌控感知模式能梳理品味的歷程,且品味經驗 能在過去、當下與未來的時空中發展流動。根據以上,建議開設以體驗為主的品味團體課程,協助毒品 受刑人擴展多元的正向情緒,並持續追蹤品味與毒癮復發的相關情形。
英文摘要 | Drug-related crimes and drug addiction are global issues. Assisting drug offenders in how to enrich multiple positive emotions, enhance a better control in life, to reduce the recurrence of drug addiction in order to seek pleasure during their sentences, and to maintain a relatively stable psychological and cognitive status were the main concerns of the present study. The purpose of this research was to understand the savoring concepts, perceived control and savoring strategies that drug offenders learn in the savoring group program. The program was designed to enhance the positive emotions of drug offenders and increase a sense of control in their own life. Participants were recruited from a prison and a total of 12 male offenders volunteered to participate in the study. The average age was 39 years old, and the average period of imprisonment was 17 months. Participants were all recidivists and long-term drug users. There were three cores in the savoring group program: savoring concepts and experiences, a four-factor model of perceived control, and the savoring strategies. The savoring group program included eight sessions, each session lasting for approximately 90 minutes and took place twice a week. In the data collection process, participants were randomly assigned to two groups, with 6 participants in each group. Two interviews were given at the mid-term and at the end of the savoring group program (totallying four interviews) for the participants to be included into the the focus group interviews. There were a total of 4 focus group interviews and each one took about 100 minutes (2 med-term interviews and 2 the end interviews). The data from interviews were analyzed by the phenomenological method. Results of what the participants learned and how they changed in the savoring group program were as follows: First, in regards to the conversion of negative events and emotions: Participants changed their original negative inner-situation to a positive inner-situation, therefore they could create positive self-talk towards themselves. They also experienced the actual, at the moment experience through recognizing and clarifying between the past, present and future. Second, in regards to generating and continuation of savoring: Participants modified and expanded their cognitive schemas such as what was real happiness and how to get it, generating a new happiness cycle in their mind. Savoring experiences are similar to an outward migration which participants started to savor by oneself in the beginning, and then by experiencing through interacting with others. Third, in regards to the savoring strategies: Which included ""sharing with others,"" ""at-the-moment concentration,"" ""self-admiration,"" and ""recognition of good occurrances."" ""Sharing with others"" and ""at-themoment concentration"" were included in the ""savoring the moment,"" while ""self-admiration"" was part of ""anticipation,"" and ""recognition of good occurrances"" belonged to ""reminiscing."" Conclusions showed that the process of savoring could be understood through a four-factor model of perceived control, and savoring experiences through the past, present and future of one’s life. According to the above, suggestions were as follows: an experience-based savoring group program should be created to expand the positive emotions among drug offenders, such as gratitude, peace, joy, and hope. Continuing to practice savoring would improve self-awareness and interpersonal relationship. Teaching savoring strategies should be a step-by-step process, allowing for the easier strategies to be taught first, such as sharing with others and at-the-moment concentration. For future research, there are two suggestions. One was to conduct quantitative research assessing the effect of a savoring group grogram. Another is to examine the continuous relationship between savoring and relapse. Finally, the limitations of the present research are discussed, which included the strict entry and exit controls, which compelled the researcher to be a teacher, an interviewer, and one of the data collectors during the research process in order to reduce the number of people entering the prison. This situation might lead to some errors in data collection.
起訖頁 | 161-196 |
關鍵詞 | 品味、毒品受刑人、毒癮、掌控感知、焦點團體訪談、Drug addiction、drug offenders、focus group interview、perceived control、savoring |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201905 (55期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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