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以自我調節理論 分析中年就業者的有效求職自我調節策略
並列篇名 | Application of Self-Regulation Theory to Understand Effective Job Searching Self-Regulatory Strategies: Mid-Aged Job Seekers in Taiwan |
作者 | 陳相如、陳鏡如 |
中文摘要 | 科技發展快速使產業變遷加速,產業變遷導致某些工作消失,同時創造新型態的工作。就業環境更迭 間,個人為求適才適任致使轉換工作的頻率增加。但就業市場存在的年齡門檻,是中年就業者求職時的 潛在障礙,中年就業者需要有效的求職自我調節策略,以降低轉職時的門檻限制。本研究分析中年就業 者的求職行為、探討轉職時可應用的有效策略,以半結構的訪談大綱為研究工具,一對一的深度訪談收 集資料,採紮根理論研究方法,訪談8位研究參與者。研究共發現兩組求職歷程,依研究參與者的年齡 區分為年長中年就業組與年輕中年就業組,後者的求職歷程中展現出較高的求職強度、求職努力度,促 使有較佳的求職清晰度,使其求職行為較為主動,其求職歷程中表現出三種自我調節策略,包括: (1)環境探索,主要的求職行為有職缺查詢與公司概況查詢;(2)修正釐清,主要的求職行為有履歷 或自傳修改、釐清求職目標、建立目標公司;(3)檢核反思,主要的求職行為有檢核履歷點閱率或面 試邀約率、省思記錄面試表現,並歸因就業競爭力或就業表現等。這是一個動態歷程,反覆來回的求職 行為產生循環,調節年齡增長帶來的進用門檻的策略。利用這三項自我調節策略可增加求職行為的主動 性、調節年齡增長造成的進用門檻。本研究從求職者的角度出發,以期研究結果能提供中年就業者求職 應用,縮短求職時間以降低因求職衍生的種種壓力。相關研究結果並提供人力資源或職涯諮詢的相關人 士進行實務與後續研究工作的參考。
英文摘要 | All industries are going through dramatic change with the current rapid technological developments. Some job positions disappeared while newer positions are created to respond to the new changes of that specific industry. Employees are much more likely to seek new positions to fit with their own abilities in this rapid changing labor market instead of staying in the same positions. As a result, turnover rates also increase to respond to the everchanging work settings. Meanwhile, the increasing aging population and decreasing birthrate also adds to the complexity of the career markets and the demands on the society as a whole. In this respect, the cost of social security benefits and medical care will increase significantly, while the supporters of the social security system will decrease noticeably. As a result, current midlife employees are responsible for supporting the nation’s economy. In comparison to their parents’ generation, the midlife population needs to work longer in order to compensate for the labor force shortages. In the meantime, there is an unspoken age limitation in the labor market in Taiwan which is one of the obstacles in the job search process for mid-aged employees. Mid-aged employees need effective job search strategies to compensate the age limitation.
起訖頁 | 123-160 |
關鍵詞 | 中年就業者、自我調節理論、求職行為、Job search behavior、mid-aged employees、self-regulation |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201905 (55期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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