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並列篇名 | The Results of Implementing a 45+ Life Design Program: Proactive Coping Perspectives |
作者 | 魏惠娟 |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在探討45歲後成人參與未來生涯設計課程的結果,本研究使用等組前後測準實驗研究方法進行,首先設計一套「45+準備」方案,進行為期兩週,共12小時的課程。共招募21位實驗參與者,另外選取21位個人背景變項與實驗組相似的中高齡者作為控制組。本研究工具包括:前瞻因應取向量表、課程滿意度量表、未來生活準備意識量表、課程學習單等,都是由研究者所發展。研究結果發現,實驗組學員對於後期生涯設計課程與教師教學大都表示非常滿意,實驗組在前瞻因應取向的表現優於控制組,前後測均達顯著差異。學員在晚年生活目標的學習平均數最低,在後期生涯準備的需求方面,發現最高的需求是屬於因應需求。本研究的後期生涯設計課程,有助於45歲後中上程度成人下半場人生設計,建議可以針對不同對象與情境,擴大應用這一套課程,繼續發展區隔化的45歲後生涯設計課程。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore results of the 45+ Life Design Program. The program, which consisted 12 hours of classes, was conducted in the span of 2 days. Of all the individuals with similar backgrounds participating in the program, 21 individuals were part of the experimental group, while another 21 were of the control group. The method of the study included a vector table regarding proactive coping, a course satisfaction scale, an awareness scale regarding future life preparation, and a course learning sheet. The result of the study showed a significant difference in the attitudes of the participants pre- and post-testing: The participants of the experimental group were highly satisfied with the course design and the instructors; furthermore, they had an overall higher performance than that of the control group in terms of proactive coping. In the context of the need for later life preparation, the highest need was that of how to cope with later life. The 45+ Life Design Program thus revealed to be helpful in the preparation for the latter part of life for an adult. As such, the future direction of the study would be an expansion of the curriculum yet renders to each participant the specific assistance he needs for the preparation of his latter adult life. |
起訖頁 | 037-069 |
關鍵詞 | 後中年人生設計、前瞻因應老年準備方案、退休準備方案、later life design、proactive coping、prepare for aging program、retirement preparation program |
刊名 | 成人及終身教育學刊 |
期數 | 201812 (31期) |
出版單位 | 中華民國成人教育學會 |
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