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並列篇名 | Family Resemblance: The Relationship Between General Education and Vocational Education in Upper Secondary Education in Taiwan |
作者 | 石政言、蔣佳玲 |
中文摘要 | 後期中等教育介於前期中等教育與高等教育之間,是學制中由不分化邁向分化的重要階段。在課程規劃方面,主要分為普通與專精兩類課程,其目標分別為普通教育與技職教育。長期以來,普通教育與技職教育被二元分化,究竟此階段的普通教育與技職教育是否真為毫無關係的平行線?還是具有相似的關聯性?為釐清此問題,本文先闡述後期中等教育階段普通教育與技職教育的目的及內涵,接著說明家族相似性概念之緣起與內涵,藉由家族相似性的概念,描繪普通教育與技職教育之間互相交錯與重疊、猶如一個家族間的成員所具有的相似性。最後討論普通教育與技職教育之相似性於後期中等教育實務上具有的意義與應用。 |
英文摘要 | Post-secondary education is an important linkage from lower secondary education to higher education, which is bridging the gap between undifferentiated educational system and differentiated educational system. The curriculum of post-secondary education in Taiwan is divided into two approaches, general curriculum and specialized curriculum, which correspond to the aims as general education and vocational education. Typically, general education and vocational education are regarded as dual education systems. However, are general education and vocational education unrelated parallel in the stage of post-secondary education? Is there core content belonged to both general education and vocational education? To clarify the relationship between general education and vocational education, the aims and contents of general education and vocational education are discussed first in this paper. Next, the origin and contents of Family Resemblance are introduced, as well as its implications in various research areas. After examining the relationship between general education and vocational education, we argued that their similarities were as close as family members although they were different in some ways. Finally, implications of the relationship between general education and vocational education for the stage of post-secondary education are addressed. |
起訖頁 | 041-075 |
關鍵詞 | 技職教育、家族相似性、普通教育、vocational education、family resemblance、general education |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 201811 (18期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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