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並列篇名 | The Sorrow and Beauty of Small Schools |
作者 | 彭富源、馬任賢 |
中文摘要 | 小校普遍存在行政人力與專業師資不足、教師流動率高、學生缺乏同儕刺激的問題,在少子化浪潮中面臨嚴峻考驗。值此教育鬆綁、多元發展之際,小校應善加利用較高的組織彈性及豐富的人文、自然資源,型塑特色,創立品牌,以提升教育成效。可採行的策略包括:一、善用藍海策略、促進教育多元發展。二、落實素養理念,激發創新教育實施。三、結合社區資源,打造戶外遊學基地。四、推動精緻教學,優化學生學習成效。五、發揮資源綜效,擴增教育服務領域。六、成立策略聯盟,追求教育共好理念。 |
英文摘要 | Small schools almost universally suffer from a lack of professional teachers and administrative support, high rates of teacher turnover, and students’ lack of peer stimulation due to the trend of Taiwan’s decreasing birthrate, and the accompanying rigorous evaluation and cutbacks facing schools. In order to enhance educational effectiveness, schools should make effective use of higher authorities to engage in the diversification and development of rich and flexible humanities, natural resources, model specialties, and brand creation, in the hope of easing educational restrictions. Potential strategies to be adopted are as follows: 1. Effectively using a Blue Oceans Strategy to promote the development of educational diversification. 2. Implementing literacy concepts to inspire the implementation of innovative education. 3. Integrate community resources to establish outdoor learning bases. 4. Promote sophisticated instruction to optimize the effectiveness of student learning. 5. Bringing about a synergy of resources to expand the field of educational services. 6. Establishing strategic alliances in pursuit of good educational philosophy. |
起訖頁 | 023-037 |
關鍵詞 | 少子化、小校創新、declining birthrate、small school innovation |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 201803 (287期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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