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《新教育大纲》中 教育史以社会发展形态为分期 的框架来源考察
並列篇名 | The Research on the Origin of the Framework of Education History Phased by Forms of Social Development in The Outline of New Education |
作者 | 杨晓 |
中文摘要 | 日本学者的马克思主义教育研究是否对构建中国马克思主义教育学产生过影响,是迄今学术界尚未深入探讨的一个课题。通过考察杨贤江流亡日本期间完成的著作《新教育大纲》,发现其中有关“教育史以社会发展形态为分期”的框架,源于日本《劳农露西亚教育研究》一书,杨贤江将此作为一种分析方法,贯穿于《新教育大纲》始终。杨贤江正是以马克思辩证唯物主义历史观为思想基础,间接接受了日本学者苏俄新教育研究的影响,成为在中国系统介绍和传播马克思主义教育史观贡献最为突出、地位最为重要的教育家。这从客观上折射出日本苏俄新教育研究对构建中国马克思主义教育学的影响。 |
英文摘要 | Whether Japanese scholars' Marxist education research has influenced the construction of Chinese Marxist Education Science or not has been an issue that has not been explored in depth so far in ac ademic circle. By exploring The Outline of New Education written by Yang Xianjiang during his exile in Japan, this article found that the framework of "education history phased by forms of social development" in the outline stemmed from the book Education Research on Russian Workers and Peasants by Japanese and Yang adopted the framework as a method of analysis throughout The Outline of New Education. On the basis of the Marxist dialectical materialist conception of history and under the influence of Russian new education research by Japanese scholars indirectly, Yang became the most prominent contributor and the most important educator in introducing and disseminating Marxist education theory in China. It objectively reflects that the Japanese scholars' Russian new education research has influenced the construction of Chinese Marxist Education Science. |
起訖頁 | 112-117 |
關鍵詞 | 马克思主义、杨贤江、《新教育大纲》、教育史分期、社会发展形态 |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 201210 (8:5期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
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