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切近中国历史文化语境的教育史研究——以孔子之 学 的阐释为例
並列篇名 | The History of Education Research in the Chinese Historical and Cultural Context:Take the Interpretation of Confucian learning as Example |
作者 | 于述胜 |
中文摘要 | 教育史既是社会科学,也是人文学科。作为人文学科,教育史研究应该切近中国历史文化语境,存“入境”、“构境”和“引人入境”上多下功夫。例如,在对孔子之“学”的阐释上,如果超越“规律-原则-方法”这一技术化进路,在同情与体贴中切近之,我们将会发现:对于孔子来说具有根本意义的“学”,并非服于任何外在目的、对象化、工具性的知识活动,而是一个人不断自我超越的生命和生活历程,其间充满了精神张力和乐感韵律。学与不学的根本区别,就在于是否进入此境;而教,不过是通过在境中言并引人入境,有效介入学者的精神世界,让学者进入居间引发、欲罢不能的状态。“入境”意味着进入时间(历史的时间而非物理的时间),感受并顺应“生命生活”的节拍,在自我兴发中不断超越既成状态。这其实也是“学习”和“教育”的本义。 |
英文摘要 | The history of education is both a social science and humanities. As the humanities, history of education research should be conducted in the Chinese historical and cultural context and focus on"entre the context", "constructing the context" and "leading people into the context". For example, an interpretation of Confucian "learning" in a sympathy and thoughtful manner, rather than by adopting the "law principle method" approach, shows that for Confucius, the fundamental meaning of "learning" is not to serve any external purpose or objectoriented or instrumental activities of knowledge, but a life process of constant self-transcendence, which is fraught with spiritual tension and musical rhythms. The fundamental difference between to learn or not lies in whether or not to enter the context; teaching, through speaking and leading leaners into the context, is to effectively intervene in the spiritual world of learners and guide them to devote to their learning. "Entering the context" means to enter the time (the historical rather than physical time), feel and adapt to the rhythm of "life-living", and constantly transcend the current state in self-exploration. This is also the original meaning of "learning" and "education". |
起訖頁 | 098-106 |
關鍵詞 | 孔子、历史文化语境、孔子之“学” |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 201210 (8:5期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
該期刊 上一篇
| 学前一年幼儿入学语言准备的城乡比较研究 |
該期刊 下一篇
| 孔子学习思想类解——以《论语》为例 |