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並列篇名 | Research on Teaching Optimization Based on the Analysis of Educational Evaluation Data |
作者 | 陳明選、許曉群、王玉家 |
英文摘要 | In the teaching process, at present education data statistical analysis platform and tool has been the promotion and application, but how to carry on the effective analysis of the data and to improve and optimize the teaching process still exist many problems. In this study revealed the problem on the basis of clarifying the concept, put forward: Education evaluation data is used to determine the starting point of learning, design quantifiable learning goals, choose to suit the learner’s learning content, accurate evaluation of the quality of teaching, and provide personalized learning analysis and feedback in a timely manner. Through these, education evaluation data can optimize the teaching design. The research says: In the teaching process to normal students staged learning result data collection and analysis, and is the key to optimize and improve the teaching. Evaluation data support for the teaching not only from the diagnostic evaluation of process evaluation, more important can make the teaching from based on experience to scientific arrangement based on data analysis, make the teaching design and the implementation process more accurate, and make the teaching more effective. |
起訖頁 | 080-089 |
關鍵詞 | 教育测评、数据分析、教学优化、Education Evaluation、Data Analysis、Teaching Optimization、CSSCI |
刊名 | 中國電化教育 |
期數 | 201805 (376期) |
出版單位 | 中國電化教育雜誌社 |
該期刊 上一篇
| 旨在促进学习者发展的在线评价:伴随式的视角 |
該期刊 下一篇
| 大数据背景下在线学习过程性评价系统设计研究 |