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並列篇名 | Building the First-class Open University with Chinese Characteristics Objectives and Strategies |
作者 | 袁隻 |
英文摘要 | Five-year pilot reform of building Open University in China has shown the great vitality. Along with a new era of the Chinese-characteristics socialism and the high-quality development in China, the Open University construction has entered into a ugolden age,J with many opportunities and challenges. Now advancing Open University requires re-position from the perspective of precise implementation. Three aspects need to be explored,including the u new advanced education institution^ which is the basic orientation of OU,“ Chinese characteristics” which is the basic foothold of construction,and “first-class” which is the necessary wa/y to be one of the famous open universities around the world. According to the new targets and position,the Open University needs to deepen the reform again and make a greater effort towards the first-class Open University with Chinese characteristics. Chinese Open Universitios should actively explore a new organizational structure and a modern management approach,speed up to form the teaching and learning model to be proper and effective, promote the establishment of running specification and quality standards as soon as possible,and intensify the efforts to build the first-class faculty. In addition, the lifelong learning system of interrelated and mutually intermediation at all levels of the education system should be established and improved in society at large. |
起訖頁 | 012-018 |
關鍵詞 | 新型高等学校、中国特色、一流开放大学、new-type university、Chinese characteristics、first-class Open University、CSSCI |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201806 (24:3期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
該期刊 下一篇
| 模块化、灵活化、全球化:基于信息技术的大学“学习范式”转型——基于麻省理工学院的案例探讨 |