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混合方法研究的方法论与实践尝试: 共识、争议与反思
並列篇名 | The Methodology and Practices of Mixed Metliods Research : Consensuses, Controversies and Reflection |
作者 | 李剛、王紅蕾 |
英文摘要 | Mixed methods research ( MMR) is a kind of research that combines the elements of both- quantitative and qualitative approaches , which not onlycombinesdifferent specific methods but also attempts to integrate theunderlying philosophies and theories. MMR was introduced in the late of 1950s,and became a distinctive methodology with the development of its underlying theoriesand applied processesduring the Paradigm War in the 1980s. Since the 1990s , MMR has developed into a relatively complete methodology as well as a popular research design. Advocates harshly criticize the viewpoint that different paradigms and method-sare notcompatible. They argue that : a) MMR reveals the continuity of paradigmsin that different paradigms do not oppose completely;) even if different paradigms might beincompatible, specific methods still can be mixed; c) MMR has complementary advantages over quantitative or qualitative research. Thecriticisms provide space for the development of MMR. Moreover, pragmatism, as a widely acceptedparadigm, provides MMR with anunderlying philosophy. However, many researchers question the selection of pragmatism as the paradigm of MMR, as pragmatism seems to be a perfect excuse for researchers to escape reflectingits underlying philosophy. In practice, researchers should first respond to why they choose the design of MMR ( DM- MR) . In particular , they should clarify the process and function of the integration. The integration tends tooc-curwhere the qualitative research and the quantitative research joinor when researchers attempt to reachthe conclusions from different parts. It can promote the research or mutual attestation , complementation or innovative conclusions. Based on the sequence,and status of the qualitativeand quantitative research as well as the process and function of integration , DMMR can be divided intothree categories : parallel design , quantitative-qualitative sequence design , and qualitative-quantitative sequence design. Researchers may reorganize the three designs according toparticularresearch questions and research conditions. Currently , researchers still have to face the problems with data collection and analysis , data translation , conclusion integration , and the judgment of inference quality when they choose DMMR. In addition , they shouldfirst prove the rationality of the choice of MMR and provide a panoramic research process and conclusion in the articles. Finally , an investigation is conductedon35 MMRsfrom 330 educational doctoral dissertations , which reveals that few re- searchers prove the rationality of DMMR or try to integrate the conclusions from different approaches. Thedoc-toral candidates seem to choose MMR because MMR has become a fashion , not that they need to integrate different solutions to their research questions more efficiently. In sum , Chinese researchers should pay more at- tention to addressing MMR in a moresystematic way. |
起訖頁 | 098-105 |
關鍵詞 | 混合方法研究、方法论、范式、研究设计、mixed methods、researchmethodology、paradigm、research design |
刊名 | 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版) |
期數 | 201610 (34:4期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
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