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並列篇名 | Student Participation in University Management: Institutional Logics and Model Selection |
作者 | 蔡文伯、付娟 |
英文摘要 | As students are viewed as an important stakeholder group for university, student participation in university management is an issue that deserves attention. In history, there have been two typical models of student participation in university management, i.e. the Model of Student University and the Model of Democratic Management. Student participation in university management involves the interaction of multiple processes and mechanisms. From the perspective of Multiple Institutional Logics, student participation in university management is the result of a combination of bottom-up personal logic, college-level logic and state-level logic. With the arrival of the era of university governance, a multi-layered co-governance model is the rational choice for the framework of student participation in university management in China. |
起訖頁 | 030-035 |
關鍵詞 | 学生参与、大学管理、制度逻辑、模式、Student Participation、University Management、Institutional logics、Model |
刊名 | 復旦教育論壇 |
期數 | 201607 (14:4期) |
出版單位 | 復旦大學 |
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