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並列篇名 | Exploring the Family Relationships and Spiritual Experiences of Christian Cancer-laden Housewives from a SystemicFramework |
作者 | 賈紅鶯、陳秉華、溫明達 |
中文摘要 | 本研究針對四位基督徒癌症婦女,兩位失婚罹患大腸癌、陰道癌的慕道友, 及兩位信仰多年的已婚乳癌婦女,分別進行四至八小時不等時間深度訪談,以質性敘事研究「整體─內容觀點」方法進行分析。研究結果發現癌婦的家庭關係反映性別與宗教信仰的文化脈絡,癌症引發失婚癌婦過往的婚姻創傷之慟,不下於癌症生理之痛,因而先發出靈性的需要,也帶來靈性的療癒。已婚癌婦對癌前夫妻、親子、婆媳關係予以反思,從身為沉重照顧者到返身自我照顧並經歷身心靈的「重生」。癌婦的靈性經驗呈現成長與掙扎的交織歷程,靈性掙扎與生理疼痛、心理情緒、家庭關係及教會關係等有關。研究結果顯示癌症不只是個人的身心靈問題,也是家庭系統的議題。依此,研究者參考Rolland「家庭系統─疾病模式」提出「家庭系統思維的癌婦身心靈」架構,供未來探究。 |
英文摘要 | Taking the a narrative approach with the “whole-content analysis” method, this researcher interviewed four female Christian cancer patients. Two were breast cancer patients who had already been Christians for years, and two were divorced women (one with colon cancer and one with vaginal cancer) who were Christian seekers looking into Christianity . In-depth interviews with the subjects ranged from four to eight hours. It was found that the states of the body, mind, and spirit of cancer-laden housewives were correlated to their family relationships and reflected their socio-cultural contexts. The cancer experi¬ence inflicted further marriage trauma for the divorced women who, and encountered spirituality and spiritual healing while looking back on the hardships they endured during marriage . Through reflecting upon family relationships before becoming ill, the married women realized how they had adjusted from the role of care-giver of for the family to that of care-giver forto themselves and increased their trust in God’s transcendental power, reflecting on the meaning of “rebirth”. Their spiritual growth maintained a dialectic relationship with spiritual struggle. Spiritual struggles due to cancer induced physical pain, depression, marital relationships, conflicts with in-laws and alienation from church. Cancer is not only personal disease but also the issues of family relationship. The researcher attempted to construct a theory regarding the “body, mind and spirit within relational context” through using a systematic framework. |
起訖頁 | 243-279 |
關鍵詞 | 系統思維、家庭關係、基督徒、敘事研究、癌婦、靈性、cancer-laden housewives、Christian、family relationships、narrative research |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201310 (37期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
該期刊 上一篇
| 敘事諮商中當事人自我認同轉化歷程之研究 |