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並列篇名 | Transforming Clients' Self Identity inNarrative Counseling |
作者 | 林杏足 |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在於探討當事人在敘事諮商歷程的主觀經驗,理解當事人對諮商經驗與自我認同的知覺與詮釋。研究參與者為三名女大學生,分別接受八、七及九次的敘事諮商會談,於每次諮商晤談後接受訪談,待全部諮商結束後一個月再接受一次追蹤訪談,成為研究分析的文本。以敘事研究法的「類別內容」進行文本資料分析。研究結果如下:(1)敘說經驗的理解:透過敘說帶來清晰和理解,舊經驗新意義,重新定義問題。諮商對話的影響包括,自我整理與豐富故事;外化式對話獲致新的視野;偏好選擇問句;帶來動能與希望感;重組會員問句,邀請觀眾支持自己決定;書寫成長的宣告和見證,則帶來力量。(2)諮商經驗對自我認同的影響與詮釋:重構社會期許對自我認同的關係;當事人的自我認同由自我貶抑和否定,朝向多元面貌的自我認識,包含看見能力與自信、珍視內心感受和需要、重新找回自己、新故事帶來行動;形成一種自我反思性的生命態度。整個諮商歷程是一趟自我認同轉化的旅程。 |
英文摘要 | The study aimed to understand clients' subjective experiences in narrative counseling processes, which encompass their perception and interpretation of narrative experiences and self- identity. Three female undergraduate students were recruited. They received seven to nine sessions of narrative counseling. Then, interviews were conducted after every session as well as one month after their termination. These interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed by the method of using a categorical-content perspec¬tive of narrative research. The results were the following: 1. Participants' understanding of narrative ex¬periences included narratives brought clarity, understanding, new meanings in the past experiences, and re-definition of problems. The influences of conversations in counseling included enriching stories, gain¬ing different perspectives from externalizinged conversations, “preferred questions,”, agency, sense of hope, re-membering conversation, inviting the audience to support decisions, and writing statements and witness of growth brings power. 2. Influences and interpretation of self- identity from counseling experi¬ences: participants reported that counseling helped them discover socio-culture influences on self- iden¬tity and developed self-reflective attitudes towards life. Additionally, participants' self- identity changed from belittling and denial to knowing diverse aspects of themselves (e.g., recognizing their abilities, being confident, valuing their own feelings and needs). The new stories have made them move forward actions. In summary, the entire counseling process was a journey of transforming one' s self-identity. |
起訖頁 | 209-241 |
關鍵詞 | 改變歷程研究、敘事諮商、自我認同、change process research、narrative counseling self-identity |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201310 (37期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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