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並列篇名 | Merrily Drunk and Friendly Interchange: FactorsAssociated with Alcoholism in An Aboriginal Community |
作者 | 賴力行、龍紀萱、李依霙、盧煜煬、施勝烽 |
中文摘要 | 飲酒行為一直是原住民生活中重要的議題,本研究旨在探討影響原住民酒癮行為的相關影響因素。本研究為量化橫斷性研究,採用立意取樣,運用研究者設計之自填式問卷,以原住民部落具有飲酒行為之493位原住民為研究對象。以原住民的基本特質、健康狀況、嗜好習慣此三方面進行分析。「基本特質」,族群別、性別、年齡、教育、婚姻與酒癮呈顯著性差異;「健康狀況」,自覺健康狀況與酒癮呈顯著性差異;「嗜好習慣」,抽煙量、嚼檳榔、喜愛的酒類、開始飲酒年齡、常和誰飲酒、飲酒動機、飲酒時刻、飲酒量、是否瞭解飲酒壞處、飲酒後反應、自覺飲酒害處、節制飲酒意願與酒癮呈顯著性差異。「酒癮者之危險因子」,健康狀況、抽菸量、飲酒量、飲酒時刻為酒癮者之危險預測變項。酒癮者與非酒癮者之基本特質、健康狀況、嗜好習慣等因子呈顯著性差異,建議注意有飲酒行為者之飲酒時間、飲酒量與節制飲酒意願,將有助於控制原住民酒癮之危險因子。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that were hypothesized to correlate with the devel¬opment of alcohol dependence in aboriginal communities. This study used a cross-sectional design and purposive sampling. We modified the questionnaire CAGE for the survey of alcoholism. Data were col¬lected from 493 aborigines who had drinking behavior in aboriginal communities. Data were analyzed based on fundamental characteristics, health status, and habits. The results showed that there were signif¬icant difference in occurrence of alcoholism among factors such as ethnic groups, gender, age, education level and marriage. Alcoholism occurred more frequently among individuals who were male, younger, with lower education level and unmarried. Individuals with better health status were less likely to be¬come alcoholics. There are several habitual factors that affected the development of alcoholism. Factors that were associated with alcoholism included smoking, chewing betel nut, starting to drink in younger age, having drinking buddies, day-time drinker, drinking in a great amount of alcohol, having certain kinds of alcohol-containing drink, and realizing the bad effects of drinking. Among the risk factors that affected the person’s alcoholism, self-conscious health condition, smoking, the amount of drinking, and drinking time during the day were critical elements. Because alcoholics showed significant difference to nonalcoholic ones distinguished by fundamental characteristics, habitual factors and health status, this study recommended that attention should be paid to the drinking time during a day, the quantity of drink¬ing and self-control capability to effectively reduce the ratio of alcoholics in an aboriginal community with drinking culture. |
起訖頁 | 155-182 |
關鍵詞 | 自覺健康狀況、原住民、酒癮、aboriginal community、alcoholism、self-conscious health condition |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201308 (36期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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