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並列篇名 | From "Authoritarian-Regard" to "Self-Regard":Exploring Taiwanese Play Therapists' Transitions ofParenting Conceptions from Multicultural Perspectives |
作者 | 邱獻輝、陳秉華、利美萱 |
中文摘要 | 遊戲治療師從事兒童諮商工作,常需與家長探討教養概念,故需釐清自己的教養概念。台灣深受傳統華人權威教養影響,因此台灣遊戲治療師可能具有權威教養成長經驗;相對的,現代教養概念富含西方個人主義特質,與華人權威教養有諸多對立之處,遊戲治療師如何在生命經驗與專業之間取捨?目前殊少文獻深究,為釐清此議題,本研究從多元文化諮商觀點切入,遵循建構主義典範,邀請九位遊戲治療師接受半結構的深度訪談,以紮根理論進行資料蒐集與分析。本研究發現受訪者大抵經歷過不同程度的「權威關注」教養經驗,但是卻都一致地反抗權威教養;這其中顯露出一個轉換的建構過程,亦即受訪者隨著年歲增長,在主動尋求或因緣際會裡,從祖輩、伴侶、師長、手足、專業同儕、治療等關係中,獲得有別於權威/順從互動的「自我關注」之修正性經驗,使其自主性提升,並且試圖將這種新的人際互動狀態帶回自己的親子互動中;惟,每位受訪者的內外在資源有別,所以修正親子權威/順從互動的程度也就不一致;但只要有所修正,就會再強化對權威教養的反抗,形成一個循環;本研究並據此結果提出討論。 |
英文摘要 | Authoritarian/compliance is an important ingredient of traditional Chinese parenting, so Taiwanese play therapists might own lots of experiences of "authoritarian-regard". However, the rationale of play ther¬apy focused on "self-regard" characters. So, how Taiwanese play therapists identify a set of parenting conceptions is the focus of this study. From the cultural perspective, the present research, following the constructivism paradigm, collected and analyzed data based on grounded theory. Nine Taiwanese play therapists were recruited to be interviewees for semi-structured interviews. The results showed a transi¬tion for the interviewees that although the interviewees all experienced different levels of "authoritarian-regard" parenting when they were young, they all consistently opposed to authoritarian parenting. This transition happened when interviewees gradually grew up and got the "corrected experiences" purposely or by chance from the interactions of grandparents, couples, teachers, siblings, professional peers, or therapists. These corrected experiences were different from "authoritarian-regard" and increased their autonomy. Interviewees all tried to incorporate this new experience in the interactions with their own parents and children. Not every interviewee successfully modified their own authoritarian interactions because different interviewees owned different internal and external resources. Basically, if interviewees can change their parent-child interactions, then this transition would likely reinforce the disagreement with authoritarian parenting. Suggestions based on the finding of this study were highlighted that it is better for Taiwanese play therapists to culturally coordinate their life experiences and therapeutic ratio¬nales concerned to practice. |
起訖頁 | 117-154 |
關鍵詞 | 多元文化諮商、教養概念、紮根理論、遊戲治療師、權威關注、authoritarian-regard、grounded theory、multicultural counseling、parenting conception、play therapist |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201308 (36期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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