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並列篇名 | A Review of the Taiwanese Psychodrama Literaturefrom 1968 to 2011: The Development and Transformation |
作者 | 賴念華 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在了解心理劇在臺發展37年之相關文獻趨勢及內涵。採內容分析法進行文獻分析,藉資料庫檢索及私人蒐集方式廣羅臺灣地區已出版之心理劇文章,依發表年代、內涵、應用場域、對象及議題等分析歸納,發現:(1)文獻內涵分理論說明、實務應用及學術研究論文三大類,近三分之二為實務應用文獻且以個人經驗分享為主;(2)心理劇最早的文獻內涵多基礎理論介紹,後有個人經驗分享、期刊論文、概念運用及技巧探索、理論詮釋、取向結合等類型,近年增長以碩博士論文為主;(3)應用場域有醫療、校園、社區、企業、司法五大體系,發展順序從醫院開始,隨後進入校園、社區,近十年則興起企業與司法之應用;以及(4)臺灣心理劇常見議題包括家庭與婚姻、悲傷輔導、震災創傷、生涯諮商。研究者從學術論文了解研究方法及趨勢,發現早期偏屬醫院針對精神疾患進行成效量化研究,近年轉向質化分析社區大眾各層面之心理劇經驗。最後對臺灣心理劇未來研究及發展方向提出建議。 |
英文摘要 | This study reviewed the content and trends of the Taiwanese psychodrama literature published in the past 37 years. To conduct the literature review, psychodrama articles published in Taiwan were retrieved by database searching and personal acquisition. Retrieved articles were subsequently organized by publica¬tion dates and extracted for information, including article contents, study subjects, areas of application, and themes for application. Based on the extracted information for content analysis and article categori¬zation, the researcher concluded that: (1) Theoretical Explanation, Practical Application and Academic Research constituted the three major categories of the Taiwanese psychodrama literature, and two thirds of all articles fell within the category of Practical Application, which was dominated by Personal Shar¬ing. (2) Early psychodrama literature in Taiwan provided mostly Introduction to Basic Theory, but it later became more popular to write about Personal Sharing, Journal Articles, Applications of Psycho¬drama Concepts, Exploration of Techniques, Theoretical Interpretation and Combination of Approaches; however in recent years, an increase in master’s theses and doctorate dissertations was observed. (3) Applications of Psychodrama were found in five major arenas in Taiwan, developed in the chronologi¬cal order of hospitals, campuses, communities, industries and the legal system. And (4) common themes for application included family and marriage, grief counseling, earthquake-related trauma and career counseling. The author also looked into the methodology and trends of academic research, and found that earlier work was mostly quantitative analysis on the effectiveness on psychiatric patients in hospitals, whereas recent work focused more on qualitative analysis on all aspects of psychodrama experiences with community members. Suggestions for future psychodrama research and development in Taiwan were discussed. |
起訖頁 | 033-065 |
關鍵詞 | 文獻分析、心理劇、團體心理治療、group psychotherapy、literature review、psychodrama |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 201308 (36期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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