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並列篇名 | Factors Driving User Acceptance of Future Classroom:An Empirical Study |
作者 | 许亚锋、陈卫东、叶新东、王麒 |
中文摘要 | 未来课堂研究已成为教育技术研究领域的一个新热点。国内外研究者依据基本理念和定位已经构建了多个未来课堂环境,随之而来的一个问题是这些环境能否被使用者所接受,而关于未来课堂的用户接受方面的研究还比较鲜见,更没有形成完善的用户接受模型。本研究以技术接受模型、创新扩散理论和环境心理学的相关研究为基础,并结合未来课堂的特性,探索影响未来课堂用户接受的一般性影响因素。经由在我们所构建的未来课堂实验室进行学习的91 位学生的问卷调查,并采用结构方程模型对概念模型进行验证,得知外生变量兼容性与自我效能感通过感知易用性影响感知有用性,感知参与性通过感知愉悦性和感知有用性影响行为意图,感知愉悦性和感知有用性是影响行为意图的直接变量,其中以感知愉悦性的影响力最高。研究结果将有助于指导并优化未来课堂的设计与实践。 |
英文摘要 | As a new hotspot in educational technology, many national and international scholars have built several future classroom environments based on the basic concepts. One of the associated issues is if the environment can be accepted by the users. However, research on future classrooms is still lacking, not to mention constructing a perfect user acceptance model. Integrating technology acceptance model, innovation diffusion model, and environmental psychology, this research explores the factors driving user acceptance of future classrooms. This research investigated 91 students and adopted Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test the model. Findings indicate that external variables-compatibility and self-efficacy, will affect perceived usefulness through perceived ease of use. Another external variable-perceived participation, will affect behavioral intention through perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment, which are the direct variables influencing behavior intention. Besides, perceived enjoyment has a most significant total effect on behavioral intention. The next affecting factor is perceived usefulness. Findings of this study will help to guide and optimize the design and practice of future classrooms. |
起訖頁 | 60-68 |
關鍵詞 | 未来课堂、用户接受、影响因素、future classroom、user acceptance、influence factors |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201304 (19:2期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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