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並列篇名 | Redefining Workplace Learning: From a Perspective of Practice-based Approach |
作者 | 李茂荣、黄健 |
中文摘要 | 在终身教育与学习型社会背景下,工作场所学习脱颖而出,成为一个备受关注的新兴研究领域。然而,如何界定工作场所学习是该领域的根本问题。受个体认知学习理论根深蒂固的影响,不少人将工作场所学习理解为“非正式学习冶、“与工作相关及为了工作的学习冶或“发生在工作场所中的学习冶,而忽视了它“在实践中学习、通过实践学习和依靠实践学习冶的本质特征。根据“ 基于实践的取向冶的思想,工作场所学习可以被重新界定为发生在“工作实践场冶中的学习,它重在发展参与工作实践所必需的胜任能力,并且参与实践本身是创造、获取、转化和重构"实践中的知识"以及维持实践、变革实践的方式。对这一概念的反思、追问与再构,有助于对工作场所学习领域的研究边界、研究问题和方法论等重要问题的进一步思考。 |
英文摘要 | Workplace learning is an emerging and outstanding field against the background of lifelong learning society. How to define workplace learning is a fundamental problem. Deeply influenced by individual cognitive learning theory, many people think of workplace learning as"informal learning","learning for work and job-related learning"or"learning in the workplace", while ignoring its essence of"learning in, through and by practice". With"practice-oriented"theory, workplace learning can be redefined as learning occurring in"practice". This definition gives much emphasis on participating in practice within workplace to develop competencies of learners,and such participation not only allows learners to create, retrieve, transform and reconstruct"knowledge in practice", but also becomes necessary vehicles to sustain and reform practice. The reflection, questioning and reconstruction of the definition of workplace learning contribute to the further research on its frontier, problem, and methodology. |
起訖頁 | 19-28 |
關鍵詞 | 工作场所学习、实践、基于实践的取向、实践中学习、实践中知晓、workplace learning、practice-based approach、practice、learning in practice、knowing in practice |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201304 (19:2期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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