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並列篇名 | TPACK Latest Understanding about ICT for Subject Teaching and Learning:An Interview with Professor Matthew Koehler |
作者 | 张宝辉、张静 |
中文摘要 | 面向21 世纪,教师必须具备信息通讯技术、学科内容、教学法三种知识交互形成的"融合技术的学科教学知识"( Technological Content and Pedagogical Knowledge,简称TPACK)。然而,我国对于技术支持学科教学过程中教师不同知识成分的融合与发展问题还处于深化认识阶段。本期访谈嘉宾马修•凯勒(Matthew Koehler)教授是TPACK 理论的提出者之一。他将就TPACK 研究的起源、现状、问题与未来趋势等问题阐述其个人见解。本文希望为我国TPACK 和相关领域的研究者提供TPACK 的国际前沿信息,为提升我国教师融合技术的学科教学知识提供启发。 |
英文摘要 | Teachers have opportunities to learn the complicated interaction between the knowledge of information technology, content, and pedagogy and to develop Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (aka TPACK)towards 21st Century. However, in China,studies on teachers'teaching with technologies are still in their early stages. Although there have been some Chinese literature on introducing TPACK,it is still necessaryto present TPACK with clearer and deeper understanding. As one way to achieve the goal, we are glad to have the opportunity to interview Prof.Matthew Koehler, who is one of the developers of the TPACK framework. He shared with us his first-hand experience on several significant issues such as the origin, present status,and future trend of TPACK. It is our hope to provide an international and systematic view of TPACK for researchers in the fields of teacher education and technology integration in subject teaching and learning in China and elsewhere. |
起訖頁 | 4-11 |
關鍵詞 | 融合技术的学科教学知识、教师发、TPACK、knowledge about subject teaching with ICT、teacher professional development |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201304 (19:2期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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