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並列篇名 | The Depressed Learning Experience of TV University Dropouts |
作者 | 杜永新、牛健、李瑩 |
中文摘要 | 高辍学率在远程开放教育领域备受关注,解决好这一问题对今后远程开放教育的健康发展意义重大。为进一步梳理远程开放教育中高辍学率现象背后的原因,本研究采用定量研究和质性研究相结合的方法,以某省级电大2010 年春季学期24 名辍学生及相关教学人员和班主任为研究对象,通过在线问卷调查、深度访谈和集体访谈的方式收集相关研究数据,并使用统计描述法与内容分析法对研究数据进行分析以寻找具体的辍学原因。本研究的具体研究过程在"远程教育辍学归因框架"指导下围绕四个方面进行,包括辍学生入学前的个人特征与基本能力、外部因素表现、内部因素表现以及在学经历及心理体验。研究结果表明,辍学生与远程教学机构在学术上的低融合、辍学生对在线学习资源的低利用、辍学生对时间管理的无意识等因素对他们终止学习产生了较为重要的影响。研究同时指出,在导致学生辍学的内部因素上,远程办学机构也确有值得反思的责任与进行完善的可作为空间。 |
英文摘要 | To examine why adult learners dropped out from online programs, we collect quantitative and qualitative data from 24 dropouts and their tutors in a TV University through questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions. The data were analyzed based on the key variables of the composite attribution model in distance education and the research focus is to examine how the following four variables functioned in adult learners' dropout decision making process-student 's characteristics and skills prior to admission; student 's management of conflicts between work and learning, student's academic performances and student's psychological outcomes after admission. The article concludes that unsatisfied performance in academic integration, unawareness of taking advantage of online learning materials and lacking of time management skills are the major reasons causing the TV university dropouts. The research results also indicate that distance education institutions should tailor their learning programs to adult learners'varied learning needs and learning abilities. |
起訖頁 | 096-105 |
關鍵詞 | 远程教育、辍学、学术融合、学习资源利用、时间管理、distance education、 dropout、 academic integration、 utilization of learning material、time management |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201106 (17:3期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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