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並列篇名 | Self-organization Learning Mechanism for Teachers |
作者 | 莊秀麗、李光良、李紹傑、余波、吳長城 |
中文摘要 | 当前,以Web2.0 为代表的互联网新环境的不断发展,为学习的参与提供了更多的可能。新的时代、新的环境,我们需要用新的观念、新的行为方式去应对和适应,才能更好地挖掘新技术发展所带来的可能与现实技术发展所产生的可能。本文就是基于上述背景,重点研究了区域学科教师群体专业发展的学习行为如何形成自组织的机制。研究者于2009 年初到2011 年初,在对山东省淄博市义务教育阶段信息技术学科教师群体专业发展学习活动的规划、观察、反思和改进的过程中发现,区域学科教师群体专业发展的学习行为,存在从他组织走向自组织的可能;团队学习是自组织的基础;基于Web2.0 的教师个人学习网络的构建,使得区域教师群体专业发展自组织系统保持主动开放成为可能。 |
英文摘要 | The development Web2.0 brings more participation opportunities and possibilities for learning. It also requires us to cope and adapt with new ideas and new behaviors. Only in this way can we discover more possibilities and actualize the possibilities brought by the new technologies. Based on such background, this paper discusses how to form the self-organization learning mechanism for the professional development of teachers in key research areas. This action research is mainly conducted among K-8 information and communication technology ( ICT) teachers in Zibo from 2009 to 2011. We find that it is possible for the teacher's professional development activities to evolve from other-organization to self-organization. Group learning is the foundation of self-organization, and establishing teacher's personal learning network is the key in keeping the self-organization system active and open. |
起訖頁 | 089-095 |
關鍵詞 | 区域学科教师群体系统、他组织、自组织、自生长、团队学习、local subject teachers system、herter-organization、self-organization、self-growth、group learning |
刊名 | 開放教育研究 |
期數 | 201106 (17:3期) |
出版單位 | 上海遠程教育集團;上海電視大學 |
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