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並列篇名 | A Review of Taiwan’s Higher Education Reform in 30 Years: The Impact and Critical Reflection of Neoliberalism |
作者 | 李奉儒 |
中文摘要 | 臺灣的高等教育自1994年之後歷經重大變革,民間團體的訴求或官方的正式報告書與後續的政策,充斥著新自由主義的論述。本研究運用哲學分析與文件分析,藉由批判教學論為理論架構,以達成四項研究目的:一是分析全球化中的新自由主義論述,聚焦於其中衝擊高等教育最具影響力的學術資本主義與新公共管理主義;二是藉由官方報告書與高等教育政策的分析,回顧與反思臺灣高等教育改革30年的發展;三是探討新自由主義對於高等教育的衝擊,特別是大學中的治理、課程、教學、學習與教師等重要層面;四是重新省思未來的高等教育機構及其師生如何突破新自由主義的影響。本研究最後提出面對新自由主義論述對於民主價值的破壞,大學必須重新作為民主的公共領域,大學師生必須作為轉化型的公共知識分子,以共同捍衛高等教育的公共性與社會責任。 |
英文摘要 | Higher education in Taiwan has undergone major changes since 1994. Both the appeals of civil society groups and the content of official reports and subsequent policies are full of neoliberalism discourses. This article conducted document analysis and philosophizing methods, and adopted critical pedagogy as a theoretical framework to achieve the following four research purposes. The first is to analyze the neoliberal discourse within globalization, focusing on academic capitalism and new public management, which have significantly impacted higher education; the second is to review and reflect on Taiwan’s 30 years of development of higher education reform through official reports and higher education-related policies; the third is to explore the impact of neoliberalism on higher education, especially the important aspects of governance, curriculum, teaching, learning and teachers in universities; and the fourth is to rethink how future higher education institutions, along with their teachers and students, can break through neoliberalism’s influences. Ultimately, this article proposed that universities must re-establish themselves as democratic public spheres in the face of the destruction of democratic values by neoliberal discourse, with university teachers and students as transformative public intellectuals to jointly defend the publicity and social responsibility of higher education. |
起訖頁 | 001-039 |
關鍵詞 | 高等教育改革、新公共管理主義、新自由主義、學術資本主義、higher education reform、new public managerialism、neoliberalism、academic capitalism |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 202312 (69:4期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
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| 臺灣30年教育改革下技職教育的轉向 |