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並列篇名 | The Role and Function of Mentor Teacher in Teacher Leadership |
作者 | 張德銳 |
中文摘要 | 有鑑於教學輔導教師在本質上與教師領導具有高度的連結性,本文首先論述教學輔導教師與教師領導的主要概念,其次說明教學輔導教師在教師領導中可以扮演的角色和可以發揮的功能,最後,再對國內如何推動教學輔導教師制度做一結語。教學輔導教師在教師領導中可扮演的角色有「陪伴」、「支持」、「建議」、「諮詢」、「商議」、「提供」、「分享」、「示範」、觀察」、「引導」、「教練」等。另外,教學輔導教師制度的實施對於接受輔導的夥伴教師、教學輔導教師自身、學校系統以及學生學習等皆能發揮相當多的功能。 |
英文摘要 | In view of the fact that mentor teachers and teacher leadership are highly connected in nature, this article first discusses the main concepts of mentor teacher and teacher leadership, and then explains the roles and functions that mentor teachers can play in teacher leadership, and finally, makes a conclusion on how to promote the mentor teacher program in Taiwan. The roles that mentor teachers can play in teacher leadership include “accompanying,” “supporting,” “suggesting,” “consulting,” “negotiating,” “providing,” “sharing,” “demonstrating,” “observing,” “guiding,” “coaching,” etc. In addition, the implementation of the mentor teacher program can play a considerable functions in the partner teachers who receive mentoring, the mentor teachers themselves, the school system, and student learning. |
起訖頁 | 004-016 |
關鍵詞 | 初任教師導入輔導、教師專業發展、教師領導、教學輔導教師、beginning teacher induction、teacher professional development、teacher leadership、mentor teacher |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202312 (356期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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| 教師領導的序曲:師資生學生領導內涵及實踐之探析 |