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並列篇名 | The Influence of Augmented Reality and Graphic Teaching Materials on Children's Cognition of Object Features |
作者 | 宋誌凱、鄭霈絨、郭晉谷、陳立杰 |
中文摘要 | 臺灣幼兒教材大多以紙本進行教學,因此,幼兒對於外型的認知較缺乏立體的觀念,幼兒園階段是幼兒發展語言及認知能力的關鍵時期,此時期的幼兒需要從真實生活中探索與學習各種事物。因此,本研究利用擴增實境能夠呈現立體造型的特性,製作一套教材作為研究工具,探討6∼7歲幼兒使用擴增實境教材前後,對於立體造型之描述能力上的差異。研究結果發現,幼兒使用擴增實境教材後:一、描述物體外型詞彙數量明顯增加;二、幼兒會使用較多具體的「具象詞彙」,或者是以描述物體相對位置的「位置詞彙」來描述物體外型;三、幼兒可以環繞觀看完整的立體模型,了解立體模型在轉換觀看角度過程中的變化;四、可近距離觀看立體模型細節,以及遠距離觀看完整物體輪廓;五、可以提升幼兒學習的興趣和學習效果。因此,應用擴增實境教材融入幼兒教學,確實能有效幫助幼兒提升認知與描述能力。 |
英文摘要 | Most of the teaching materials for preschool children in Taiwan are taught on paper, so children’s cognition of appearance is relatively lack of three-dimensional concepts. Kindergarten is a critical period for children to develop language and cognitive ability. Children in this period need to explore and learn various things from real life. Therefore, this study uses augmented reality to present the characteristics of three-dimensional modeling, and produces a set of teaching materials as a research tool to explore the differences in the ability to describe three-dimensional modeling before and after the use of augmented reality teaching materials for 6-7-year-old children. After using the augmented reality teaching materials, the children were observed for the followings: (1) They had an increased vocabulary when describing physical appearances; (2) They used more concrete “representational vocabulary” or “location vocabulary” when describing physical appearance; (3) They could encircle and observe the entire three dimensional model to understand the changes to the appearance when changing the angle of perspective; (4) They could zoom in to observe minute details and zoom out to observe the entire contour of the model; (5) They had improved their desire to learn and learning output. Therefore, incorporation of augmented reality into childhood education appears to effectively help children improve their cognitive and descriptive abilities. |
起訖頁 | 029-056 |
關鍵詞 | 幼兒教育、幼兒認知、描述能力、擴增實境、childhood education、child cognition、descriptive ability、augmented reality |
刊名 | 數位學習科技期刊 |
期數 | 202207 (14:3期) |
出版單位 | 數位學習科技期刊編審委員 |
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