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並列篇名 | Life Education in Daohe Experimental Education School |
作者 | 許宏儒 |
中文摘要 | 當代人類的生命面臨了整體性、彼此相互指涉且牽一髮而動全身的問題─人的內在心理(靈)與焦慮、社會不停歇的文明加速度,以及人與地球之「休戚相關—禍福與共」的巨大生態自然危機。要從這些問題之中尋求可能的出路,需要一種十分具有實驗性的教育革新。本文的目的在於深入分析誕生於臺灣這片土地上的實驗教育機構─道禾實驗學校對於生命教育的圖像與背後的教育哲學立論基礎、永續棲居之生態村落教育蘊意與教育實踐,以及獨特的工坊課程、登山課程、節氣課程與神話課程,及其背後所蘊含之生命教育意義─在社會加速度中「求難、求拙、求慢及求少」、生命壯遊及與大自然同體、生命內在律動與大自然同節奏、生命內在靈性與大自然生態之交融。上述道禾實驗學校的生命教育圖像與特色課程,為當代人類生命的整體性問題,在教育上勾勒著可能的出路。 |
英文摘要 | Contemporary human life, no matter in peoples inner (mental or spiritual) life, incessant acceleration of social civilization, or the sharing weal and woe with the earth as an entirety of life, all appear whole, complexed and inter-referential crisis. To seek a possible way out of these problems, very experimental education innovation is required. This research aims to investigate “Daohe Experimental School,” an experimental institution born in Taiwan, its image of life education and basis of philosophy of education behind, its sustainable eco-village educational thinking and practice and the unique courses include workshop, mountaineering education solar terms, and mythology (and its life educational quartet: learning by difficult and clumsy ways, learning slowly and less; life grand tour and integrative life-nature; harmony of life rhythm and nature movement, and integration of life spirituality and eco-nature). Daohe Experimental School’s life education thought and featured curriculum are drawing the possible outline of education for Taiwans education and contemporary humans whole life crisis. |
起訖頁 | 001-033 |
關鍵詞 | 生命教育、道禾實驗教育學校、實驗教育、life education、Daohe Experimental School、experimental education |
刊名 | 生命教育研究 |
期數 | 202112 (13:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣大學生命教育研發育成中心;社團法人台灣生命教育學會 |
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