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並列篇名 | An Action Research on Introducing PBL into Teachers’ Professional Development Workshop |
作者 | 劉青雯 |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要探討問題導向學習(Problem-Based Learning, PBL)導入教師專業發展工作坊的方案、行動及成果,了解參與者未來實施PBL之自我效能、意願及策略。本研究以焦點訪談法進行PBL教學教師專業發展需求分析,參與者為某普通型高中學科中心教師。本研究發現,高中教師確實有實施PBL導入課程的增能需求,大多數參與者展現高度正向情緒,針對自己的參與度、專注度及滿意度呈現積極、高專注度及高滿意度,參與者反思結果與觀察員的觀察紀錄分析相吻合。參與者表示參加工作坊結束後,在未來實施PBL教學上有中、高程度的把握及高度施行意願。因應未來教師專業發展需求,建議工作坊之活動要多元化,以提升教師實踐素養教學的可能性。最後建議教師可透過網路學習平台或學習社群等策略持續進行教師專業發展。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims to explore the introductory of project, the process of action, and outcomes of PBL introduced into the TPD workshop. The purpose of this study is to realize the self-efficacy, willingness, and strategies of the participants’ implementation of PBL in the future. The focus group which is used to analyze the demand of PBL training for high school teachers. The workshop’s participants are the members of the Education Resource Center. The results revealed that the teachers did have the demand for PBL introduced training. Most participants showed a high degree of positive emotion, actively engaged, highly concentrated and satisfied, which is consistent with the observers’ reflection record analysis. Participants described that they have a high degree of self-efficacy and willingness to implement PBL in the future. To promote the possibility of practicing competency-based teaching and response to the demand for TPD in the future, workshops should be diversified. Furthermore, teachers can continue professional developing through online learning platforms or learning communities. |
起訖頁 | 115-132 |
關鍵詞 | 工作坊、反思、素養導向教學、問題導向學習、教師專業發展、workshop、reflection、competency-based teaching、PBL、teacher professional development (TPD) |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202106 (326期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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