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並列篇名 | The Causal Mechanism Affecting Involvement in Children’s Preschool Education of Parents from Different Backgrounds, and wioraDifferent Socioeconomic Statuses: The Role of Educational Expectation and Social Network as Mediators |
作者 | 林俊瑩、楊長傑 |
中文摘要 | 許多研究顯示:家長參與學校教育對家庭、學校,及孩子本身等各方面均有很重要的影響,因此家長參與這個議題在教育實務與研究上的重要性已毋庸置疑。但到底是什麼因素會影響到家長參與,又其影響途徑為何,過去台灣地區的研究仍沒有十分清楚的解釋,特別是關注於學前教育階段的研究也還是頗為缺乏。本研究於2008年以問卷方式對1,202位花蓮縣市就讀幼稚園所學生家長進行調查,並以家長的「教育期望」、「社會網絡」作為中介變項,建構了一個解釋家長參與行為的因果模式,藉以分析學前幼兒家長之家庭社經背景變項如何影響到其參與子女的學校教育。本研究的結果顯示:一、教育期望、社會網絡等中介變項,對於幼兒家長參與行為有顯著影響。二、不同家庭社經背景幼兒家長之參與學校教育行為有所差異的原因,可部分歸因於幼兒家長對子女的教育期望、自身的社會網絡有所不同的中介影響。文末,研究者依研究結果提出些許建議,以提供作為學前教育實務與研究之參考。 |
英文摘要 | Many studies have revealed that parent involvement has significant effects on family, school, and children. Thus, the importance of parent involvement for practices and researches of education is of no doubt. However, what are the factors that affect parent involvement and how they affect it? These issues have not been clearly explained in domestic studies, and the studies on the stage of preschool education are still very limited. A questionnaire survey was administered to a total of 1202 parents of preschool students in Hualien City/County in 2008. Using “educational expectation” and “social network” as mediator variables, a causal model that could explain parent involvement behavior was constructed to analyze how the socioeconomic variable of parents affects their involvement in their children’s preschool education. Results showed: (1) Both mediators, namely educational expectation and social network, had significant effects on preschool children’s parent involvement. (2) The difference among parents from different socioeconomic backgrounds was partly attributed to the mediation of parents’ education expectation and social network. Finally, based on the research findings, suggestions were proposed as a reference for the practices and researches of preschool education. |
起訖頁 | 1-29 |
關鍵詞 | 社會網絡、家長參與、教育期望、學前教育、social network、parent involvement、educational expectation、preschool education |
刊名 | 臺東大學教育學報 |
期數 | 201006 (21:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺東大學師範學院 |
該期刊 下一篇
| 國中生與高中生在班級科技競賽中之參賽表現與問題解決能力差異之研究 |