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並列篇名 | Evidence and Mechanism of Dissociation in Human Visuo-spatial Working Memory |
作者 | 罗良、刘兆敏、林崇德 |
中文摘要 | 视空间工作记忆系统是否可以分离及分离的内在机制是当前工作记忆研究中的一个热点问题,神经心理学、潜变量、双分离、发展以及脑机制的研究所提供的大量实验结果证明,人类的视空间工作记忆存在分离。一些研究进一步揭示,编码方式的不同和注意参与机制的差异可能是导致视空间工作记忆分离的两个主要原因。这篇文章对已往实验结果进行了论述、分析和评价,指出了以往研究尚未解决的问题以及未来研究应该关注的方向。 |
英文摘要 | Dissociation and dissociative mechanism in visuo-spatial working memory was an issue that psychologists were extremely interested in. Dissociation in visuo-spatial working memory was proved by numerous findings of neuropsychology study, latent- variable study, double dissociation study, developmental study, and brain imaging study. Furthermore, some study found that difference in recoding mode and mechanism participated in by attention lead to dissociation in visuo-spatial working memory. The present paper summarized several problems existed in these study, and prospected the developmental tendency in this research area in the future. |
起訖頁 | 394-400 |
關鍵詞 | 视空间工作记忆、客体工作记忆、空间工作记忆、分离、机制、visuo-spatial working memory、object working memory、spatial working memory、dissociation、mechanism |
刊名 | 心理科學進展 |
期數 | 200705 (15:3期) |
出版單位 | 中國科學院心理研究所;中國心理學會 |
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| 视觉返回抑制的实验范式 |
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| 相继记忆模式:展现情节记忆形成脑机制的窗口 |