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Path to giftedness: An action research of place-based gifted program for rural students in Taiwan
作者 呂金燮張琇儀劉亞汶
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the constructing processes and effectiveness of a place-based gifted program for rural students in Taiwan. The low ratio of gifted students identified in rural areas is a critical issue in gifted education. Gifted education researchers strongly emphasize that the concepts of intelligence and giftedness are indicative of cultural values. Responding to the issues of multiculturalism and the learning needs of rural children, gifted education should construct a supporting system which integrated the characteristics of rural children and their local culture. Generally, identification of gifted student status is the locomotive of a gifted program in Taiwan. However, children in rural areas often fail to meet the identification criteria of giftedness due to their language, culture, and/or region of residence. To construct a gifted program for rural children, it is thus necessary to deviate from the typical standard of "giftedness" and to value the local culture from the perspective of placed-based education. Moreover, the talent developmental trajectories of rural children from a diverse cultural background must be accounted for. Therefore, a talent development paradigm was adopted to guide this action research of placed-based gifted program. Method: This study was a 4-year, long-term action research project. The framework of the place-based gifted program was based on the theorical foundations of school-wide enrichment model and the Actiotope model of giftedness. Shui-Shui Elementary School in New Taipei City was invited to construct the place-based gifted program cooperatively with the researchers. More than two-thirds of Shui-Shui students are Atayal. Generally, Shui-Shui students' academic achievements are below average relative to Taiwanese students overall. Students' main strengths are in athletics, dancing, singing, and naturalist intelligence. However, sports have been the main developmental goal for most students, and students who have a high interest in natural observation have limited opportunities to cultivate their interest, despite Shui-Shui including natural ecology as part of the curriculum since 2001. Based on the strengths of students and the resources of the Shui-Shui school and surrounding community, the goal of this action research was to construct a place-based gifted program for Shui-Shui students who are highly interest in natural observation. During the 4-year action research, a total of nine teachers, two parents, and two elders were invited to structure an after-school natural observation program based on the framework of the place-based gifted education. A total of 39 students were identified and invited to participate in the after-school natural observation program, 21 of whom participated for at least one year, including 3 girls and 18 boys. The data were collected using the Natural Observation Characteristics Scale, Biophilia Scale, Interest Scale, academic achievement, teacher focus-group interviews, student works, and related documents. The data were drawn from the school level and student cases and were analyzed through descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis. Results: Three main findings were identified through the action research. First, to respond to the uniqueness of children's learning in rural areas, three stages of adjustments were implemented to transform the school-wide enrichment model into a place-based model. The first stage focused on resources, the second stage adjusted the standard of giftedness according to the students' strengths, and the third stage involved development of each student's talent in natural observation. Each stage lasted roughly 1 year, depending on the progress of and changes in students' learning. Second, the place-based gifted program facilitated positive changes in students' natural observation characteristics, especially when evaluated according to the indicators of biophilia and scientific inquiry. Third, with the supports of the place-based gifted program, students developed alternative goal-oriented action scripts. Three types of student goal-oriented action scripts were identified and delineated. Conclusions: As previously mentioned, sports or performance-oriented activities have been the most successful endeavors of Shui-Shui students, and they are generally the predominant goals of most students in rural areas. The most challenging aspect of this action research was encouraging students to understand, pursue, and invest in their own abilities and to develop their optimal personal trajectory because of the counterinfluence of the pressure of mainstream education and the achievement action script of school culture. Based on the results from research at Shui-Shui, it was found that three factors can lead to an effective place-based gifted program for rural students: dynamically monitoring teachers' understanding of gifted characteristics through assessment, scientifically mediating students' experiences through enrichment learning, and systematically guiding talent development through productive outcomes. The identification of rural students' giftedness has always been a critical challenge for gifted education. We found that teachers' understanding of the indicators of gifted characteristics, such as multiple intelligence assessments, enhanced their sensitivity to students' strengths in areas other than academics or sports and they adjusted their teaching easily to support students' learning. Generally, Shui-Shui students are highly interested in natural observation but lack scientific inquiry skills and habits. After-school enrichment activities provided systematic mediated learning for students to explore their interests and develop the necessary intellectual understanding. Moreover, students and teachers enjoyed sharing the students' productive outcomes, which helped to actively develop students' talents. Implications: Place-based educational research is complex. To avoid directly adopting the paradigmatic concept of giftedness and the associated criteria for identifying gifted children into the learning culture of rural schools, the researchers used the constructing process of the place-based gifted program as a path for shifting Shui-shui teachers' perspective of giftedness from gifted children paradigm to talent development paradigm. On the path of construction, teachers' devotion to and awareness, recognition, and appreciation of students' strengths were facilitated. According to the talent development paradigm, constructing a learning culture for students to develop a goal-oriented action script for pursuing personal excellence is far more important than identifying gifted students. If rural schools can create a learning culture based on place-based education and recognize students' strengths on the basis of the paradigm of talent development, some achievement results that can be specifically assessed or measured may change in the long term. The place-based model of gifted program based on the theoretical foundations of the talent development paradigm is a promising direction for gifted education in rural areas.
起訖頁 65-94
關鍵詞 才能發展典範地方模式行動研究校本資優方案偏鄉學生Action ResearchPlace-based ModelRural StudentsSchool-based Gifted ProgramTalent Development Paradigm
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 202207 (47:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系

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