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並列篇名 | A Study of the Relationships between Wage Differentials, School Types and Departments of College Graduates in Taiwan |
作者 | 湯堯、徐慧芝 |
中文摘要 | 本研究之目的旨在探討我國大學畢業生畢業後薪資水準、就讀學校類型及就讀學門之關聯性,採用台灣高等教育資料庫釋出之2004年「大專畢業生畢業後一年問卷調查」檔案資料,以變異數分析研究發現,就讀學校類型與就讀學門對畢業生畢業後薪資水準具主要效果,但沒有交互作用。事後比較發現,針對學校類型而言,公立大學畢業生之薪資水準顯著高於私立大學、公立技職與私立技職畢業生;針對就讀學門而言,醫科畢業生之薪資水準普遍高於其他學門。根據文獻,畢業生薪資水準與是否具備就業市場所需專業密切相關,因此,本研究建議,各大學應著重培植學生就業市場所需之專業,而政府應就現有資源,基於社會公平原則,進行合理把關分配。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between wage differentials, school types and departments of college graduates in Taiwan. The data used in this study was from Taiwan Higher Education Database for College Graduates of 2004, and the research methods adopted in this study were descriptive analysis, analysis of variance, and post hoc multiple comparisons. No interaction between school types and departments was found, but school types and departments were both found to have an effect on wage differentials. According to the post hoc multiple comparisons, those who graduated from public colleges or universities have a higher wage than those who graduated from other types of schools, and medicine majors earn more than nonmedicine majors. Based on the findings, this study makes the following suggestions: First, colleges and universities have the power to balance social inequality, and therefore they should focus on developing in their students the professional skills needed in the job markets; second, the government of Taiwan should allocate its present resources judiciously on the basis of social justice. |
起訖頁 | 61-84 |
關鍵詞 | 學門、薪資水準、學校類型、高等教育、wage differentials、school types、higher education、departments |
刊名 | 教育政策論壇 |
期數 | 201102 (14:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所 |
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| 高等教育擴張對年輕大專畢業生工作選擇影響之研究 |
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