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並列篇名 | Relationships among Authentic Leadership of Principals and the Psychological Capital and Work Engagement of Teachers in Junior High Schools: The Mediating Role of Trust |
作者 | 吳政達 |
中文摘要 | 本研究欲探討校長真誠領導行為與教師心理資本對教師工作投入之關係,以及教師信任於其中扮演之中介角色。研究以分層抽樣臺灣39所公、私立國民中學共計376位教師為對象,採用「真誠領導量表」、「心理資本量表」、「學校組織信任量表」、「工作投入量表」進行問卷調查,並運用驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式等統計方法分析。研究結果指出:一、校長真誠領導對教師工作投入具有正向影響;二、教師心理資本對教師工作投入具有正向影響;三、教師信任在校長真誠領導與教師工作投入的關係間扮演中介角色;四、教師信任在教師心理資本與教師工作投入的關係間扮演中介角色。最後,根據研究結果,建議學校管理者有效增加教師信任,將有助提升校長真誠領導及教師心理資本對教師工作投入產生正向影響效果。 |
英文摘要 | This study aimed to examine the relationships among the authentic leadership of principals and the psychological capital and work engagement of teachers in junior high schools as well as the mediating role of trust. This study conducted a thorough questionnaire based on the “Authentic Leadership Questionnaire,” “Psychological Capital Questionnaire,” “School Organizational Trust Questionnaire,” and “Utrecht Work Engagement Scale” on 376 teachers at 39 junior high schools in Taiwan and employed confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to examine data. The results revealed the following: (1) The authentic leadership of the principal has a positive effect on the work engagement of teachers. (2) The psychological capital of teachers has a positive effect on their work engagement. (3) The trust of teachers mediates the authentic leadership of the principal and the work engagement of teachers. (4) The trust of teachers mediates their psychological capital and work engagement. Finally, on the basis of the results, this study recommends that school managers improve the trust of teachers in order to enhance the positive effects of the authentic leadership of the principal and the psychological capital of teachers on their work engagement. |
起訖頁 | 001-031 |
關鍵詞 | 工作投入、心理資本、信任、真誠領導、work engagement、psychological capital、trust、authentic leadership |
刊名 | 臺東大學教育學報 |
期數 | 201906 (30:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺東大學師範學院 |
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