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並列篇名 | A Case Study of the President’s Leadership in One Private Southern University of Technology |
作者 | 陳建志、林官蓓 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在分析一位南部私立科技大學校長領導作為與相對照之職能。目前國內、外對校長領導職能之探究較為缺乏,本研究藉由探究校長領導作為及其對應之相關職能,用以建構較全面之校長領導圖像。透過質性研究的深度訪談、厚實敘寫及與文獻反覆對照深化,探索校長的領導作為與實踐。本研究發現個案校長:一、以「品格教育與學習行為並重」為策略性領導之規劃;二、以「視覺、情感、功能、財務」為計畫與執行管理之策略;三、以「公平正義及開誠布公」為溝通原則;四、以「團隊動能及認同支持」為團隊運作方式;五、以「跨領域整合及特色行銷」為創新整合與行銷主軸;六、以「自主調適及初念淺、轉念深」為自我管理準則;七、以「深耕文化及放眼國際」為全球性之拓展;八、領導職能之關聯與理論實踐。經由評析個案校長之領導作為及對應之職能與理論,歸納結論並做出後續研究建議。 |
英文摘要 | The study aimed to analyze a president’s leadership behaviors and the correspondent competences in one private southern university of technology. Past studies in Taiwan and other countries lacked the exploration of effective presidents’ leadership competences. This study collected the data, explored the president’s leadership behaviors and the correspondent competences to build a more complete picture of a president’s leadership. The study adapted the method of qualitative study and used in-depth interview, rich description to compare the data with theories of leadership and practice. It tried to explore the leadership behavior and practice of a university president and provided some concrete strategies. The study findings were as the following: 1.“Focusing both on moral education and learning” was the plan for strategic leadership. 2.“Vision, feeling, function, and financing” were the strategies of management. 3.“Fair, justice, and openness” were the principles of communication. 4.“Group dynamics and support” were the ways of group management. 5.“Cross-field and feature marketing” were the main focuses of creation, integration, and marketing. 6.“Self-adaption” was the principle of self-management. 7.“Cultural roots and international point of view” were the principles of globalization. 8.Leadership competence’s relation and the practice of the theory. Thus, the conclusions and suggestions are made. |
起訖頁 | 041-079 |
關鍵詞 | 私立科技大學、校長領導、個案研究、領導職能、private university of technology、president leadership、case study、leadership competence |
刊名 | 高等教育 |
期數 | 201906 (14:1期) |
出版單位 | 台灣高等教育學會 |
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