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並列篇名 | The Design and Implementation of Problem-Based Learning in a Fifth-Grade Classroom |
作者 | 黃琡惠 |
中文摘要 | 問題本位學習(problem-based learning, PBL)提供學生真實世界中的問題作為課程內容,透過學生中心學習歷程,激勵學生主動探索精神,進而養成終身學習的觀念。本研究依據國小五年級社會教科書內容以及當時生活情境,編製「教師遊行」與「高麗菜生產過剩」兩個問題,並依PBL的特質,進行七個教學活動。依據協同行動研究特質,本研究由大學與小學教師共同磋商研究程序與結果,研究旨在探究PBL之設計與實施情形。本研究透過研究討論、觀察、訪談、問卷及文件記錄蒐集資料。研究發現PBL能提高學習動機、促進合作與高層次思考能力,然而學生獲得的知識是廣泛而缺乏深度,訪談技能不純熟也導致未如預期的結果。 |
英文摘要 | Based on constructivism and metacognition, problem-based learning (PBL) attempts to connect the theory and practice by providing students with the real-life problems and inviting students with mixed abilities to invent a solution. The purpose of this study is to examine the design and implementation of PBL in a fifth-grade classroom. Qualitative research was adopted by utilizing research methods such as research discussion, observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation to collect data.The findings indicate that students are able to improve cooperative and thinking skills through PBL, and students are active learners in the PBL process. However, knowledge obtained by PBL is various, and lack of depth. Furthermore, interview skill of the students seem insufficient, which leads to limited data collected through interviewing. For the further study, we suggest that it should investigate the effect of PBL on creative thinking, and the impact of PBL on the low-achievement students. |
起訖頁 | 91-114 |
關鍵詞 | 問題本位學習、協同行動研究、小學、Problem-based learning、PBL、Collaborative research、Elementary school |
刊名 | 國民教育研究學報 |
期數 | 200703 (18期) |
出版單位 | 國立嘉義大學 |
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