人類發展與家庭學報 Journal of Human Development and Family Studies
202312 (24期)期所有篇
不同年齡層國小身心障礙兒童自我表達參與現況之信度探究 Investigation of the Reliability of Self-reported Participation in Elementary School Children with Disabilities at Different Age Levels
繁體中文版情緒覺察量表使用於臺灣國小學童之效度研究 A Validity Study of the Traditional Chinese Version of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire for Taiwanese Elementary School Students
影響兩歲前嬰幼兒認知成長趨勢的早期家庭環境因素:以潛在成長模式初探 Home Environmental Influences on Cognitive Development Trajectories Across the First 2 Years: An Exploratory Study on Latent Growth Modeling
華人與西方嬰兒對陌生反應有不同嗎?:四個月嬰兒面對陌生聽覺和視覺刺激的反應和分類 Do Infants in Ethnic Chinese and Western Societies React Differently to Unfamiliar Situations? An Investigation into and Classification of Four-month-old Infants’Responses to Unfamiliar Auditory and Visual Stimuli
當新衣變「滯」衣,留或丟?消費者衣著購後棄置行為英文期刊文獻回顧研究 When New Garments Become Unwanted, Kept or Thrown? A Review of Clothing Post-purchase Disposal Behaviors Based on English Journal