人類發展與家庭學報 Journal of Human Development and Family Studies
201912 (20期)期所有篇
中老年期的憂鬱:以多層次模式探究 Depression in Middle Aged and Older Adults: A Multilevel Method Study
知覺父母衝突溝通模式對青少年生活適應的影響:探討衝突情緒調控策略的中介效果 The Effect of Perceived Parental Conflict Communication on Adolescents' Life Adaptation: The Different Emotional Regulation Strategies as Mediators
圖卡關鍵詞教學法對注意力不足過動症幼兒字義理解與識字能力影響之初探 The Effects of Picture Keyword Teaching on Word Comprehension and Word RecognitionAbilities of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder