- 论教育技术的九大特性 On the Nine Characteristics of Educational Technology
- VR/AR教学体验的设计与应用研究 Research on the Design and Application of VR/AR Learning Experience
- 国外虚拟现实(VR)教育研究存在的问题与启示 Problems and Inspirations in the Study of VR in Foreign Countries
- 人工智能教育应用的现状分析、典型特征与发展趋势 The Application Status, Typical Characteristics and Development Trends of Artificial Intelligence in Education
- 信息化助力农村教学点学生发展的观测与评价——以咸安教学实验区为例 Observation and Evaluation of Student Development in Small Rural Schools Promoted by Information Technology — Taking Xian’an Experimental Area as an Example
- 试论一种新型在线教育资源大数据组织框架 A Novel Organizing Framework for the Online Education Resource Big Data
- 教育云区域发展评价指标体系研究 Research on the Evaluation Index System of Educational Cloud’s Regional Development
- 教育技术学科“U—E—S”人才培养模式探讨——供给侧改革视角 Discussion on the Training Mode of “U - E - S” in Education Technology —On the Supply Side Reform
- 数字时代大规模移动学习平台的构建与应用:基于PMKS框架的研究 Construction and Application of Large Scale Mobile Learning Platform Research in the Digital Age:Based on PMKS Framework
- 论在线课程教学系统的建构 On the Construction of the Online Courses and Instruction System
- 基于自动聚类和集成学习的网络教学形成性评价方法 The Formative Assessment for Online Teaching Based on Auto-classifying and Ensemble Learning
- 个性化语言学习系统质量特性的提取与定位 Extraction and Position Research on Quality Characteristics of Personalized Language Learning System
- 基于课程融合的“创客”教学设计与应用模型研究 The Teaching and Application Model of Maker Education Based on the Integration of Curriculum System Teaching
- 技术支持环境下基于USP的混合式课例研究 The Study of Technology Supported USP Collaborative Blending Lesson Study
- “互联网+”背景下的高校非通用语专业发展 Development of Less-Commonly Taught Languages in China in the “Internet +” Era
- 基于线上课程和工作室制度的混合式教学实践研究 Research on Mixed Teaching Practice Based on Online Courses and Workroom System
- 信息化建设薄弱地区中小学骨干教师信息技术应用能力影响因素分析 Analysis of Influencing Factors of Information Technology Application Ability of Key Teachers in Primary and Middle Schools in Less Developed Areas of Education Informatization
- 重建习作教学新生态——“互联网+”时代背景下小学习作教学的探索与实践 Rebuild the New Ecology of Writing Teaching —The Teaching Exploration and Practice of the Elementary School Assignments under the Background of "Internet +"
- 多元智能理论视角下IPTV益智游戏开发的策略研究 The Strategy Research of IPTV Puzzle Game Development from the Perspective of Multi-intelligence Theory
- 欧洲STEM教育推进政策研究及启示 The Analysis and Inspirations of the STEM Promotion Policy in Europe