- 主編的話-現象學心理學的臺灣實踐 Editor's Preface: The Praxis of Phenomenological Psychology in Taiwan
- 什麼是進步?一個關於輕症自閉症青少年社會互動的現象學研究 What is Called Progress? A Phenomenological Study on Social Interaction of Adolescents with Mild Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 經驗取向暖身歷程研究—心理劇身體暖身活動之運用 The Process Study of Experiential Approach Warm-up — Using Body Warm-up Activities in Psychodrama
- 心理創傷敘事療癒的理論與實務探討 Theoretical and Practical Implications of Narrative Healing of Psychological Trauma
- 敘事研究中「存在經驗」與「存有」的地理學方法探問: 從情緒地理學與詮釋現象學取「徑」 Enquiry of "Lived Experience" and "Being" in Narrative Study: Taking Path through Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Emotional Geography