- 實施部落小學原住民少女性別平等教育方案成效之研究 The Effectiveness of Implementing Gender Equality Education Program for Indigenous Girls in Tribal Primary Schools
- 疫情下的性教育─大學生線上學習與反思寫作性教育之初探 Sexuality Education under the Epidemic -A preliminary study of Online Learning and Reflective Writing on Sexuality Education for College Students
- 回顧臺灣學校性教育(1977~2021) A Review of School Sexuality Education Development in Taiwan, 1977-2021
- 台灣性侵害加害人心理處遇治療歷史沿革,實務經驗、過程與挑戰之探討 The Approach of Taiwan Sex Offenders Treatment Programs: History, Practice Experience, Process, and Challenge
- 請珍惜得來不易的健康教育和性教育課程共同合作為性別平等教育和性教育而努力 Please cherish the health education and sexuality education curricula and cooperate with each other for gender equity education and sexuality education Running title: Please cherish health education and sexuality education curricula