- 探討慢性精神病人的性關注與期待 An Exploration of Sexual Concerns and Expectations on Patients with Chronic Mental Illness
- 原住民青少年對婚前性行為之觀點 Indigenous Adolescents’ Attitude toward Premarital Sexual Behavior
- 個人、人際和社經地位因素對早發性性行為的影響:台灣北部之世代研究 Individual, Interpersonal, and Socioeconomic Status Influences on Early Sex Experience: A Cohort Study in North Taiwan
- 雙性戀認同形成理論之反思:以網路年輕世代為例 Reconsidering the Theoretical Model of Bisexual Identity Formation: Cases of Young and Internet Generation
- 生命的樂章:探索、感恩與尊重三部曲 The Symphony Movement of Life: Trilogy of Exploration, Gratitude, and Respect