- 諮商初期晤談感受與諮商滿意之研究:以大學諮商中心焦慮依附風格傾向之學生為例 The Study of Session Impact and Counseling Satisfaction in the Initial Stage of Counseling: Students with Preoccupied Attachment Style from University Counseling Centers as Examples
- 諮商心理師進入醫療跨專業團隊之調適經驗探索:以安寧團隊為例 The Counseling Psychologists' Adjustment Experiences in Interdisciplinary Teams: Using the Hospice Team as An Example
- 高中職及五專科別學群Holland興趣檔案與代碼建立之研究 The Development of Holland Interest Profiles and Codes for the Academic Majors of Vocational High School and 5-Year Junior College
- 高齡者心理健康問題、心理需求滿足與生活滿意度之相關研究 A Study on Relationships among the Mental Health Problems, Psychological Needs Satisfaction, and Life Satisfaction of Elders
- 大學生品味書寫之主題與經驗 The Themes and Experience of Savoring in Writing from College Students