華東師範大學學報(教育科學版) Journal of East China Normal University(Education Sciences)
201704 (35:2期)期所有篇
公办教育能够保障教育公平吗?———基于“俱乐部模型”的观察与分析 Could Government-run Public Education Guarantee Educational Equity: An Observation and Analysis Based on a Club Model
校园欺凌治理的跨学科对话 Managing School Bullying: ACross-disciplinary Dialogue
论教育目的的公平转型 Equity Transition of Educational Purpose
基础教育资源分配的 城乡差异及其社会后果——基于中国教育统计数据的分析 The Rural-urban Differences in Resources Allocation of Basic Education and Its Social Consequence : Base on the Analysis of China ’ s Education Statistics
校园欺凌”的概念界定及其法律责任 The Definition of School Bullying and its Legal Liability