- 世界一流大学建设五人谈
- 価向未来:21世纪核心素养教育的全球经验》研究设计 Research Design of EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE: Global Experience of Developing 21 st Century Skills and Competencies
- 提出21世纪核心素养的驱动力研究 Driving Forces under the Construction of 21st Century Competencies
- 21世纪核心素养的框架及要素研究 Analysis of 21st Century Competencies and Frameworks
- 21世纪核心素养教育的课程、教学与评价 Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Assessment for 21st Century Competencies
- 21 世纪核心素养教育的支持体系 Supporting 21st Century Competencies Education
- 新生代海归创业难的归因与对策 Attribution Analysis of Entrepreneurial Bugs of the New-Generation Overseas Returnees and Strategies
- 教育学制度化的兴起与逻辑 The Emergence of the Institutionalization of Pedagogics and Its Logic
- 论教育与人性的关系—保守主义人学视角的审视 Education and Human Nature i Perspective of Conservatism View of Humanity
- 中国教育法学研究热点的共词可视化分析 Analysis of Co-word Visualization of Research Focus in China's Education Law Studies
- 教育行政执法协同性:模式、问题与推进路径—基于当前改革实践的案例研究 The Synergy of Educational Administrative Law Enforcement i Patterns, Limitations and Strategies: -----a Case of Recent Reform Initiatives
- 初中生学业拖延与学业自我效能感关系研究 Study on the Relationship between Academic Procrastination and Academic Self-efficacy of Junior Middle School Students
- 新中国来华留学教育的发端: 缘起、进程与意义 Education of International Students in China i Origin, Process and Significance