- 《每一个学生都成功法》七人谈
- GALCHS 视野下的创业教育生态发展观 Ecological Development of Entrepreneurship Education: Perspective of GALCHS
- 高校创业教育实效性的评价与提升策略研究 A Study on Evaluating Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education Institutions and Promoting Strategies
- 中国创业教育的演进历程与发展趋势研究 Evolution and Development Trend of Chinese Entrepreneurship Education
- 英国高校创业教育的现状、特色及启示 The Development of Entrepreneurship Education in UK Higher Education Institutions and its Implication
- 美国创业教育发展的主要特征及若干启示 The Main Features of the Development of US Entrepreneurship Education and Its Implications
- 中小学生课业负担内涵的多视角分析———基于九省市学生、家长与教师的调查 A Multi-analysis of Students’Workload: a Case Study of Nine Provinces and Cities
- 教育需要的个体发生机制研究 Research on the Occurrence Mechanism of Education
- 论过程哲学视域中教学环境的三种形态及其价值意蕴 Three Forms of Teaching Environment and their Values: Perspective of Process Philosophy
- 从“占有”到“生成”:儿童学习观的转换 From Possession to Generation: Transforming the Concept and Practice of Child Learning
- 中小学生道德信念的现实意义及培育 Practical Significance of Moral Beliefs and its Cultivation in Primary and Secondary Schools
- 大学生网络行为失范的类型、成因与对策 An Investigation of the Types and Causes of College Students’ Online Anomie Behavior
- 非关联性正负强化条件对迷信行为习得的影响差异 The Effect of Non-contingent Negative and Positive Reinforcement Operations on the Acquisition of Superstitious Behaviors
- 我国职业学校成绩展览会的历史考察(1918—1944) A Historical Study of Achievement Exhibitions of Vocational Schools in China ( 1918—1944)