文化自觉、语言自觉与[中国教育学]的发展 Cultural Consciousness, Language Consciousness and the Development of [Chinese Education]
在社会历程进程中理解杜威的教学价值思想 Understanding John Dewey’s Thoughts of Teaching Values in Social History
符号学习与经验学习在学生发展中的关联与互动 Connection and Interaction between Symbolic Learning and Experiential Learning in Students’ Development
新中国教育均衡发展的测度 Measuring Educational Equilibrium Development of PRC
学科领域知识的研究与教学--当代领域知识研究及其教学迁移 The Teaching and Research of Disciplinary Domain Knowledge--The Teaching Transfer and Research of Contemporary Domain Knowledge
基于动允性的朝向效应--具身认知的一个证据 The Orientation Effect Based on Affordance--An Evidence of Embodied Cognition
内隐─外显态度的关系及其行为预测 Implicit─Explicit Attitude and It’s Behavioral Predictability
先秦儒家人格教育途径探论 On the Ways of Pre-Qin Confucian Character Education
试论近代教育家吴汝纶的事业与思想--以主持保定莲池书院为中心的考察 Try to Comment on Modern Educationist Wu Rulun’s Educational Undertakings and thought--An Investigation Focused on His Work in Lianchi Academy
吴俊升教育哲学管窥--以《教育哲学大纲》为中心的考察 A Review of the Philosophy of Education of Wu Junsheng--Reexamining Outline of Philosophy of Education as Centered
1843-1937年的上海女子教育:阶段与特点 The Female Education in Shanghai (1843-1937):Period and Characteristics