- 高校微课建设的现状分析与发展对策研究 Current Situation Analysis and Development Strategies of the Micro-lecture Construction in Universities
- 基于“微课”本体特征的教学行为设计与实践反思 An Empirical Reflection and Design Study on Teaching Behaviors Based on the Ontological Characteristics of the Micro-Lecture
- 认知负荷理论视角下的微课程多媒体课件设计 The Multimedia Courseware Design of Micro-lecture Based on the Cognitive Load Theory
- 高校计算机基础课程的“微课程”教学模式研究 Research on ‘Micro-lecture’ Teaching Mode of Computer Basic Courses in College
- 移动学习的“微”变及其应对策略 Slightly Changed and the Coping Strategies of Mobile Learning
- 混合学习环境下无缝学习策略的应用研究 The Research about Application of Seamless Learning Strategies in Blended Learning
- 基于翻转课堂模式的教学设计及应用研究 An Instructional Design and Application Research Based on the Flipped Classroom Model
- 英语网络学历教育优秀辅导教师专业能力探究 Looking into the Competencies of Excellent Tutors in Online Tertiary-level English Language Education
- 英语教师利用技术促进语言学习的教学能力研究 Research on English Teachers’ Technology Enhanced Language Learning Competency
- 小学生媒介识读校本课程研究 Research on the Media Literacy School-based Curriculum in Primary School
- 数字媒体技术专业“一个主体、两轮驱动、五个结合”创新人才培养模式探究 Discussion of “One Subject%2C Two Drives%2C Five Combinations” Innovation Talent Training Pattern for Digital Media Technology Professional
- 中国大学视频公开课现状与发展探究 The Research on the Current Situation & Development of Video Public Class in Chinese Campus
- 变革:2002—2012 年美国网络高等教育发展之路——基于2013年斯隆报告的分析 Changing: The Development Course of American Online Higher Education from 2002 to 2012 ——Based on the Analysis from the Sloan 2013 Consortium Report
- 基于PhoneGap的跨平台移动学习资源设计与开发探究 Research of the Design and Development of Cross-platform Mobile Learning Resources Based on PhoneGap
- The Leap 概念视角下的体感控制型教育游戏设计 The Design of Motion Sensing Educational Game on the Sight of The Leap
- 基于云录播的职教微格实训系统设计 Cloud-Based Taped of Vocational Education Microteaching Training System Design
- 国家级实验中心开放共享管理模式实践与探索——以浙江师范大学信息传播实验教学中心影像类实验室为例 Practice and Exploration on the Open Sharing Management Mode of National Experimental Center ——Taking Image class laboratory of Experimental Teaching Center for Media and Communication Studies of Zhejiang Normal University for an example