- 家庭環境影響幼兒語言發展因果關係之研究 Causal Relationships between Aspects of Family Environment and Language Development in Young Children
- 對話者之語言能力與評分嚴苛度對印尼語口語評量成績之影響 Influence of Interlocutor Proficiency and Rater Severity in Indonesian Language Oral Assessment
- 家庭環境與幼兒社會能力之關係──氣質的調節效果 Relationship between the Family Environment and Social Competence among Young Children in Taiwan: The Moderating Role of Temperament
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- 透過漸進式英語句法教學計劃(P-BEST)提升國中英語學習落後者的語法能力 Enhancing the Grammatical Competence of Middle-School EFL Low-Achievers Through a Progressive English Syntax Teaching Program
- 詞彙能力在國小學童多文本閱讀理解歷程之角色:來自眼動研究的證據 Role of Fourth Graders' Vocabulary Ability in Modulating Their Multiple-Text Comprehension: An Eye Tracking Study