- 构建和谐社会 呼唤中国化人格与社会心理学研究 Chinanized Psychology Research and the Construction of Harmonious Society
- 人格结构的中西方差异与中国人的人格特点 Chinese-Western Differences of Personality Structure and Specialty of Chinese Personality
- 中国社会现代化进程和城市现代化水平与中国人群体人格变化模式 Social Development and the Changes of Chinese People's Personalities
- 文化心理学视野中的思维方式 Research Progress in Thinking Styles from the Perspective of Cultural Psychology
- 中国人的核心自我评价的理论构想 The Theoretical Construct of Chinese Core Self-evaluation
- 中国文化中自信人格的内涵和功能 The Concept and Function of Self-Confidence in Chinese Culture
- 论儒家的自强人格及其培养 On Self-strengthening Personality in Confucianism and Its Cultivation
- 中国人的人格与心理健康 Chinese Personality and Mental Health
- 应激的缓冲器:人格坚韧性 A Stress-Buffering in Personality: Hardiness
- 影响感觉寻求人格特质的生物遗传因素 Biological Genetics Factors Influencing Sensation Seeking
- 国外反社会人格研究述评 The Study of Antisocial Personality Abroad
- 动物个体差异研究对人格心理学的贡献 Studies on Animal Individual Differences to Personality Psychology: Contribution and Value
- 人格心理学的学科架构初探 The Framework of Personality Psychology
- 语言理解的体验观 Views of Embodied Language Comprehension
- 从讲话者和听话者两个角度看韵律的句法解歧 Prosodic Resolution of Syntactic Ambiguity: From the Point of View of Speaker and Listener
- 句子产生中的句法启动 Syntactic Priming in Sentence Production
- 元理解监控的精确性及其延迟关键词效应 Accuracy of Metacomprehension Monitoring and Delayed-Keyword Effect
- 视觉短时记忆与视知觉的信息整合 Information Integration between Visual Short-Term Memory and Visual Perception
- 时间知觉和关联负变化 Time Perception and Contingent Negative Variation
- 杏仁核情绪功能偏侧化的成像研究述评 On Functional Lateralization of Amygdala Involved in Emotion
- 儿童空间再定向的几何模块论及其局限 The Module Theory of Children's Spatial Reorientation and Its Limitation
- 发展性口吃的脑机制 Brain Mechanism of Developmental Stuttering
- 主动性人格的研究现状与展望 A Review of Proactive Personality
- 自我复杂性模型研究述评 Self-complexity and Coping
- Cloninger的人格生物社会模型及其生理机制的证据 Cloninger's Biosocial Model of Personality and Its Empirical Data
- 网络心理咨询的疗效与展望 Therapeutic Potentials and Outlook of Online Counseling
- 团队决策及其影响因素 Team Decision Making and Its Influencing Factors
- 工作投入研究的现状 A Review of the Research on Work/Job Engagement
- 公正世界信念:概念、测量、及研究热点 Belief in a Just World: The Conception, Measurement and Hot Topics
- 实验社会心理学中的社会困境 Advance in Research on Social Dilemmas: Evidence from Experimental Social Psychology