一个参与者眼中的行为遗传学史上的里程碑 Milestones in the History of Behavioral Genetics: Participant Observer
学习能力与学习障碍的遗传学: 英国的近期发展和中国的研究的可能方向 Genetics of Learning Abilities and Disabilities: Recent Developments from the UK and Possible Directions for Research in China
遗传、环境和青少年的吸烟饮酒行为:芬兰双生子研究的回溯与前瞻 Genes, Environments, and Adolescent Substance Use: Retrospect and Prospect from the FinnTwin Studies
儿童发展中的社会过程和遗传的影响:双生子和养子女设计的新颖方法 Social Processes and Genetic Influences in Child Development: Novel Uses of Twin and Adoption Designs
早期成长与发展研究:利用前瞻性的养子女设计研究遗传与环境的互动 The Early Growth and Development Study: Using the Prospective Adoption Design to Examine Genotype–Environment Interplay
瑞典的双生子与子代研究:通过双生子及其家庭来增加对遗传与环境互动的了解 The Twin and Offspring Study in Sweden: Advancing Our Understanding of Genotype-Environment Interplay by Studying Twins and Their Families
分离遗传与环境对儿童发展的影响:介绍一个新颖的研究方法 Disentangling Genetic and Environmental Influences on Children’s Development: Introducing A Novel Methodology