- 回顾与展望
- 新高考上海方案的问题与对策 Shanghai Program in New College Entrance Examination: Problems and Countermeasures
- 民国时期“个性教育”理论的演进:知识社会学的视角 The Evolution of the Theory of ‘Individuality Education’ in the Republic of China: from the Perspective of Sociology of Knowledge
- “修道以教”的内涵与实现机制 Meanings and Mechanisms of Teachers’ Cultivating Tao to Foster
- “就近入学”政策实施的产权困境及改进策略 The predicament of property right in the educational administration of "Near - enrollment"
- 人口净流入地区的教育挑战与机制设计 ——基于江苏省A 市的调研报告 Educational Challenges and Mechanism Designation in Regions Which People Mainly Inflow in: Investigation Report Based on A City in Jiangsu Province
- 关于教育戏剧的语词、定义与划分的再思考 Rethinking on the Word, Definition and Classification of Educational Drama
- 教育戏剧在语文课程中的功能与路径 The Teaching Functions and Approaches of Educational Drama in Chinese Curriculum
- 数学核心素养系统的演化、结构和功能 The Evolution,Structure and Function of Mathematical Core Literacy System
- 普通教育教师与特殊教育教师对残疾儿童教育安置态度的比较研究 The Comparative Study on the General and Special Teachers’ Attitude Towards Educational Setting of Children with Disabilities
- 美国犹他州PCCAPS 高中课程探析 In Collaboration with Businesses to Construct High School Curriculum: Based on the Study of PCCAPS Curriculum in Utah
- 罗振玉基础教育活动研究综论 A Research Review about Basic Education Activities of Luo Zhenyu
- 段力佩与陶行知 Duan Li-Pei And Tao Xing-Zhi